Sunday, January 02, 2011

January 2: Malling and Haircut for Jessica

Today rather than to stay at home and say goodbye to the last day of the holidays, we decided to go to Megamall for some family time.  That is after I finished packing up the Christmas tree and all the lights and decor.   Now that the home space if free from the clutter of the Christmas season (except for some gifts that I need to give away), there is more free space for the little girl to play and run around.  But I digress, so we went to Megamall, got to see the new Toy Kingdom (which is huge), ate at the Food Court (Sizzling Plate), then brought the little girl to Cuts 4 Tots for a haircut.  Jess' hair has already grown and we decided to cut it down by 2 inches  (its actually still too long, might need another haircut in a month or so).  After the haircut the girl asked to play at Kidz Republic.  So we left her and her yaya (who is fresh from a 2day vacation btw) and went around the mall.  After getting her back we finally went to Girbaud where I was able to buy a wallet for me and for my sister who's having her birthday tomorrow.
On the pregnancy: I still have not gone to the OB, will probably do so 2nd or 3rd week of January, where hopefully the baby's heartbeat will be there already.  Meanwhile I am religiously drinking the vitamins (folic acid + prenatal vitamins) to keep healthy.  We are hoping this will be a good pregnancy now and come around August we will have the newest member of the family.

Oh btw, this is the second days of (hopefully) Project 365.  Off to a good start, I hope to finish at least with half and I will be happy.

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