Sunday, April 20, 2008

to feel secure or not secure

yesterday jessica's yaya went on her day-off with the yaya of Sophia, my previous co-tenant and MBA-classmate Doods' daughter. If friendship was a concept that applied to babies then I would say Sophia is jessica's first friend and playmate. They left last december and moved to a condo unit of their own. To cut the long story short, Che (jessica's yaya's friend) related a story of a murder within the condo premises. Specifically on the same building and on the third floor unit of their place (they live on the 2nd floor). Scary, well, not scary because of the ghosts that might live thereafter, but because of the lack of security in the premises. I was looking at security system in the net and this one made by ademco seems quite good. Of course, for our place, there might be a different system that would work also, but I'd probably take my time and settle for a dog first. hehe

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