Tuesday, October 09, 2007

christmas wishlist

its already mid october and it might be high time to look at my christmas list for presents for my family and closest friends. i think this year i'd better start early because i don't want to be stuck in the christmas rush. I'm already thinking of everyone I need to give presents to, and the list may be a bit long. Online purchases are becoming a trend so I may try it out this year too.
is quite a good site, makes me feel like i got me a present too! And it has a lot of member stores to choose from. Like if I wanna buy some sports gear for hubby or hubby I can use Adidas coupons , or maybe computer accessories using
Dell Small Business coupons
for my dad or brother-in-law. There are really a lot of possibilities and, and I could just as soon write out the rest of my wishlist from here. I'd better start it next week.... think-think-think!

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